Welcome to the New ALL Website

Fall Term is underway; see the full Schedule of Classes. The vast majority of classes will be presented in hybrid mode–both in person at the Corvallis Community Center and simultaneously online via Zoom. There will be one ‘special’ class that will be offered only in person. This class has a cap on the number of participants; advance registration is required. Other than the one special class, we are experimenting with not having any preregistration.

The site is still under construction but is gradually coming to life.
Some pages from the old site have not yet been fully reconstructed.

A Letter From Tom Gallagher, ALL Board Chair

Dear ALL Member:

I am writing to encourage you to become an ALL volunteer.  ALL depends on volunteers in all aspects of its operation.  Many of our existing volunteers, who have served us well for many years, have reached that point in life when they wish to let others take over their ALL tasks.  Without more volunteers we will at some point be unable to continue offering the range of learning opportunities now provided. I am sharing my ALL experiences with you in order to describe the rewarding experience that awaits you if you become an ALL volunteer,

When I retired, ALL classes and my becoming an ALL volunteer provided me with the intellectual stimulation which I feared losing as a result of my retirement.  I agreed to be on the Board because I viewed Board service as an interesting way to spend my time, give back to the community, and hopefully contribute to ALL’s continued success.  

While serving on the Board, four different committees, and as Board Chair ,I got to know a number of friendly, intelligent, and interesting people who shared my intellectual curiosity and passion for learning.  I would not have met these people had I not been an ALL volunteer. I agreed to come back on the Board after my first two terms for the reasons described above and because of my concerns about ALL’s future.

There are many ways that you can be an ALL volunteer.  Some of them are listed below.  The first two are the most critical.


We are again, post COVID, offering in-person classes. These classes (hybrid classes) are simultaneously broadcast online via Zoom. The classroom Zoom moderator manages the classroom environment and ensures that the class is being transmitted online.  We offer training to Zoom moderators.


The Schedule of Classes (SOC) is a 12-page document produced three times a year.  The editors create the SOC using the class descriptions provided by the Curriculum Committee and coordinate its production and mailing.  Most of the work is done online using Microsoft Word.  The entire process is now done by one person, but it can be divided into multiple parts and done by a team of volunteers.  We should not rely on one person, who could become unavailable for various reasons, to produce the SOC. 


Members of the Curriculum Committee (CC) find the speakers who present our classes and coordinate the scheduling of their classes.  Most of the work is done via email.  The CC members usually, but need not, serve as the classroom host who introduces the speaker to the audience.  With 90 to 100 classes per year we need at least 15 CC members (with each doing six classes per year).  With a larger CC we could present more classes.


The Board is responsible for the overall direction of ALL.  The Board develops the policies and procedures of the organization and monitors ALL’s operational and financial status.  Board members serve on ALL committees to help carry out ALL’s mission of providing lifelong learning.  The term of service is three years.  Most Board members choose to serve two consecutive terms.


For detailed information about volunteer opportunities, please email the Program Coordinator at:  admin@academyforlifelonglearning.org.

Thank you for being part of ALL.

Page Updated 10/6/2024